Monday, October 3, 2011

Wermic Journal of the Transgressive Octavoid (Wermspittle)

Banned, damned and denied to even exist by the majority of planar adepts, the wermskin-bound journal has been in circuitous, underground circulation amongst select occult scholars, serious pataphysicians, clandestine metafictionaries and discrete parahistorians, for centuries across any of the eight planes that it migrates through on a seemingly endless cycle of temptation, corruption and destruction.

Originally hand-written in a distinctive psycho-reactive green-black ink derived from a distillation of brain-fluids taken from the still-living corpses of gargantuan werms native to an unnamed and so-far unrevealed 'ninth plane,' the Wermic Journal exerts a peculiar influence over any who attempt to read its contents. It is a well-documented and mostly accepted premise that the Journal reveals different things to different readers, rarely if ever repeating itself.

The last known sighting of this work was in Wermspittle.

Occult Formulae Allegedly Derived From This Tome
  • The Double-Square Figure of Containment
  • Crafting the Jewel of Souls
  • Diagram: Octohedral Bulwark
  • Committing Purple Prose
  • Formula: Psycho-reactive Violet Ink of Jaloo
  • Diagram: Eightfold Perambulation
  • Spell: Planar Entanglement
  • Red Letter
  • Diagram: Triangle (Five)
  • Ritual: Circle of Four Twins

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